What is “Burn out” and how to cope with it

What is “Burn out” and how to cope with it Burn-out is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that results from chronic, unrelenting stress, typically associated with one’s job or a prolonged period of overwork and excessive demands. […]


Handling Capstone Projects

Handling Capstone Projects Abstract This case study is my journey of teaching the engineering students to formulate a problem and find multiple solutions to it. One the most economic and safe solution to be taken up to the level of […]


Pros and Cons of Digitization of Education

 Pros and Cons of Digitization of Education Pros: More Inputs from various sources, readers and writers. Easy Understanding as text, image, audio and video all are there for various types of learners. Cons: Finding the best Content is an issue. […]


DON’T make these mistakes in your CV

DON’T make these mistakes in your CV Key Tips for Creating a Flawless Curriculum Vitae   Eliminate Spelling Errors: Spelling mistakes can instantly tarnish your CV’s impression. Ensure you run it through a spell checker or seek mentorship for proofreading, […]
