Scan WhatsApp in 3 minutes

Scanning WhatsApp for hours together kills time and brain bandwidth. It can be exhausting as well. While the official and professional messages are important, whatsup has become more of a menace. I wrote about it recently. Still today, I feel […]


What is “Burn out” and how to cope with it

What is “Burn out” and how to cope with it Burn-out is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion that results from chronic, unrelenting stress, typically associated with one’s job or a prolonged period of overwork and excessive demands. […]


Save your eyes from mobile Screens 

Save your eyes from mobile Screens  Similar to computer screens, mobile phone screens can also contribute to eye strain. Given that we rely on our phones for various tasks, it’s important to address the impact they have on our eyes. […]


Save your eyes from computer screens

Save your eyes from computer Screens Our eyes are not meant to be fixed on on screen, but in this digital age, we have to do so. Protecting your eyes from the potentially harmful effects of prolonged computer screen use […]


5 Data Science Languages to Learn during 2023-2025

5 Data Science Languages to Learn during 2023 – 2025 #Python, #R, #SQL, #Julia, #C++ , #Jobs, #career, #wheretolearn, #learningresources For an amateur, it is overwhelming to find so many programming languages and skill sets required for so large data […]
