Scanning WhatsApp for hours together kills time and brain bandwidth. It can be exhausting as well. While the official and professional messages are important, whatsup has become more of a menace.

I wrote about it recently. Still today, I feel like writing about it because many of the aspirants in their 20s are struggling with the menace. It is a tool given to you. It is up to you how wisely you see the same. Here are some strategies you can use to minimize your time and maximize your productivity.


Making Informed Choices on WhatsApp Groups

In our conversation, a crucial topic emerged – the decision-making process in WhatsApp groups. It’s imperative to exercise your autonomy, taking a mere two minutes to decide whether the group adds value or introduces you to irrelevant content. Avoid being caught on the receiving end of unwanted group engagements. Once you decide, stand firm. If a group doesn’t align with your preferences, leave without waiting for permission. Archive and discard, ensuring you exercise control over your interactions.

Navigating Notifications and Archiving Techniques

The first key lies in managing notifications. Archiving becomes the second essential skill. By organizing your chats and setting filters for read and unread messages, you gain a more streamlined experience, making your interactions more efficient.

Balancing Message Sending Etiquette

Consider the impact of each message you send. What if each text or image incurred a cost? Delve into the importance of your messages, particularly in routine exchanges like daily greetings. Strategize and reserve your communication for more significant occasions.

Thoughtful Message Broadcasting

Instead of flooding generic messages on numerous occasions, strategize your communication. Pick a few special days from many festivals and occasions, making your wishes more meaningful. Tailor your messages to specific groups, ensuring thoughtful and purposeful communication.

Organizing Contacts with Broadcast Lists

Efficiently organize your contacts into broadcast lists based on categories. Create lists for different circles such as school friends, colleagues, and family. This practice ensures that your messages reach the intended audience, fostering more personalized interactions.

Maximizing the Use of Broadcast Lists

Exploit the potential of broadcast lists in managing your messages. Prioritize important contacts, making your interactions more intentional. By coordinating with your calendar, stay on top of birthdays and anniversaries, ensuring your greetings are both timely and personal.

Strategic Time Management on Social Media

Confront the challenge of managing a barrage of messages. Adopt a disciplined approach, allocating specific times to engage with social media. Implement the three-minute rule, i.e. three minutes three times a day, limiting the frequency of checking groups and maintaining control over your time.

Recognizing the Value of Your Time

For professionals and homemakers alike, understanding the value of your time is crucial. Reflect on how much time you allocate to social media and weigh it against your priorities. Implement strategies such as setting passwords and reminders to regain control of your time.

Balancing Entertainment and Productivity

Address the growing issue of associating phones with entertainment and laptops with work. Train yourself to use each device for its intended purpose. Cultivate a habit of focusing on one or two tasks during laptop use, ensuring a healthier balance between productivity and leisure.

Conclusion& Gurumantra

As we conclude, remember that these strategies are adaptable to your preferences. Strive for a balanced digital life, where technology serves you, and not the other way around. Here is the Gurumantra:

“Question yourself whether you will send this message if it costs you Rs.2/-?

Would you forward a message if it costs you Rs.1/-?

Would you read this if it costs you Rs 0.50? If you Go ahead!”.

Wishing you a fulfilling and well-managed life ahead!
