Reviving the Human Touch in Online Shopping: The Power of Conversational Commerce

Throughout my upbringing, there’s a cherished memory that stands out—the monthly trips to our local market with my sister in our quaint Indian town. Those mornings were an enchanting journey through a labyrinth of tiny shops and street vendors. We’d pause at her favorite stalls, where familiarity ruled, exploring the season’s fresh fruits and new kitchenware arrivals. Time would drift away as she meticulously examined items, questioning vendors about their origins and quality. They’d proudly present the latest tools and gadgets, carefully curating selections tailored to her preferences. Our return home was always marked by contentment, arms brimming with shopping bags, evidence of our unplanned bounty.

Fast-forwarding a decade, I found myself in Delhi, a bustling city, engaging in a similar ritual with friends. Our destination was “Fashion Street,” a hub of small stores boasting trendy clothes at irresistible prices. Hours were spent sifting through heaps of garments, trying on trinkets, and pooling our purchases to haggle for bulk discounts. Each of us played a role; one was a styling expert, another a shrewd negotiator, and someone else kept us on schedule to return to school on time.

The mission enjoyment part of in Online Shopping-

The shopping extends beyond mere transactions. It’s a treasure hunt unveiling novelty, a personalized suggestion from a trusted source. It’s an art of negotiation and a chance to bond with friends and family. It’s social, interactive, and conversational.

Over the last two decades, my research has led me to explore consumer behavior in emerging markets worldwide. In this digital age, online shopping has soared. It’s convenient—just a click away, delivered to your doorstep. The array is vast, and prices are competitive. But it’s also static and distant. A solitary experience where you sift through algorithm-suggested options, and interact with machines or bots when queries arise—rarely with humans.

It’s baffling; successful salespeople credit conversations for sealing deals. People prefer human interactions. So why is this vital ingredient missing in online shopping? This impersonal affair breeds dissatisfaction. Returns surge, leaving us questioning our choices. Did we buy too much or too little? Does it really suit us? Was it even necessary? For the billion newcomers to the internet in emerging markets, online shopping is overwhelming. Doubts linger about product accuracy, seller reliability, and even the safety of their money in cyberspace. Can we infuse genuine human conversations at scale? Can we create convenient, abundant, and human online marketplaces? The answer is an unequivocal yes.

Conversational Commerce in Online Shopping and the emerging Job Roles-

1. Meesho- Trusted online relationship managers

Companies in emerging markets like China, India, and Southeast Asia have embraced “conversational commerce.” This concept combines convenience, scale, and authentic human interaction. Take Meesho, an Indian platform that fosters trusted online relationships. Similar to the rapport my mother had with local vendors, Meesho enables interactions with dedicated human representatives through social media. These representatives learn your preferences over time, tailor recommendations, and address queries—providing the intimacy of a corner store with the reach of a conglomerate.

2. Lazlive – Real salespersons describing

LazLive in Thailand elevates the experience further by allowing real sellers to describe products via live video streams. This bridges the gap between the tactile scrutiny I crave while shopping for handbags and the limitations of online images. LazLive’s personal touch redefines the online shopping landscape.

3. Pinduoduo – Friends for shopping together and bargaining

Pinduoduo, a burgeoning Chinese platform, exemplifies the communal aspect of shopping. It enables friends to shop together, reminiscent of my fond memories of shopping with friends on Fashion Street. This camaraderie-driven approach resurrects the joy of shared experiences and the excitement of discovering treasures.


These models aren’t mere experiments. They resonate with over 500 million consumers in markets like China, India, and Southeast Asia. Conversational commerce addresses the needs of first-time online shoppers while captivating seasoned shoppers worldwide. In fact, my research shows that the allure of authentic engagement transcends continents. Consumers immersed in conversational commerce exhibit 40% higher spending, heightened satisfaction, and reduced returns.


In the foreseeable future, conversational commerce is poised to redefine global shopping paradigms. Traditional e-commerce platforms must adapt or risk obsolescence. Brands must embrace this shift, evolving from mass marketing and data-driven personalization to cultivating profound connections with consumers.


As consumers, we stand to regain the enchantment of shopping, and the rediscovery of human connection in the digital realm. In a world craving authenticity, conversational commerce breathes life into the shopping experience, making it inherently human once more.
