KNOW your Intelligence & Learning Type

Learning is easy, if you know your Learning style based on your intelligence. You can have multiple intelligences also. Once you know what kind of learner you are based upon what kind of intelligence you have, learning becomes very easy. You can choose the right platform and channel for yourself.

Multiple Intelligences and Learning Styles

In education, two important ideas focus on the learner’s characteristics when acquiring new knowledge and skills: multiple intelligences theory and learning styles.

Multiple Intelligences Theory

Multiple Intelligences (MI) theory, developed by Howard Gardner, describes the different ways people can be intelligent. MI theory is not a teaching method, but it has influenced teaching practices. According to this theory, individuals have varying degrees of eight different intelligences, which are:

  1. Verbal/Linguistic: Good with language
  2. Logical/Mathematical: Skilled with numbers
  3. Visual/Spatial: Thinks in images and pictures
  4. Bodily/Kinesthetic: Uses the body well to communicate and solve problems
  5. Musical/Rhythmic: Expresses oneself well musically
  6. Intrapersonal: Understands oneself and is self-directed
  7. Interpersonal: Understands others and relationships
  8. Naturalist: Recognizes and understands the natural environment

Each person usually has more than one type of intelligence, although one or two may be dominant. The dominant intelligence can also indicate the preferred learning style. For example, a student with a dominant musical/rhythmic intelligence would learn well through music and rhythm. They might memorize multiplication tables by learning songs or sing about them.


Stop at this place. 

Take a pen and paper, 

Understand your Intelligence. 

Write it down.

Language Learning Techniques for Different Learners

  • Visual Learners: Visual learners prefer learning through sight, such as written text, pictures, and diagrams. Language learning technologies, including computer programs and websites, are suitable for visual learners. Diagramming programs are particularly helpful.
  • Auditory Learners: Auditory learners learn best through listening. Language learning technologies with sound components, such as streaming audio and video, podcasts, and multimedia books, support their learning.
  • Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners: Tactile/kinesthetic learners perceive information through touch and movement. While computers provide less support for them, they can benefit from hands-on learning and controlling their learning experience through computer-assisted instruction. For example, they can collect leaves, view them under a microscope connected to a computer, and record their findings in a computer spreadsheet.

Learning Styles Based on Sensory Modalities

Some learners have preferences for learning through specific sensory modalities like seeing, hearing, or touching. Visual learners understand better through visual stimuli like graphs and pictures, while auditory learners prefer learning through listening, such as storytelling. Some learners prefer tactile or kinesthetic learning through touch or movement. Everyone has tendencies of each learning style, but the degree of reliance on one style can vary from person to person.

If you are a visual learner, Videos and images are the best for you. Take help of youtube channels. Take “image” option while making a Google search.

If you are an auditory learner, use podcasts or audiobooks to learn your content.

If you are a kinesthetic learner,  for workshops and hands-on sessions. Try to understand the applications and then the fundamentals behind that.

Do as per your intelligence, but yes! Read a lot. Learn a lot. So that you have a lot of content to add the dots and understand the universe.

Happy Learning!


