The Call for Reflection

Hello and welcome. Today, I wish to delve into the intricate facets of abuse—why people resort to it, the consequences it begets, and the imperative of abstaining from it. The genesis of this discourse lies in the words of our Prime Minister, resonating from the historic Red Fort. It has become ingrained in our social fabric that if provoked, abuse becomes the default response. An issue demanding scrutiny, why do individuals resort to abuse when besieged by depression, anger, or an inability to articulate their emotions?

Unveiling the Roots of Abuse

Words hold power; they shape our interactions and define our relationships. The capital city, Delhi, may be infamous for this phenomenon, but the malaise of abuse permeates the entirety of India, particularly affecting our youth. Personal experiences underline this reality, as witnessed during my university days. A secretary, in a position of influence, normalized the use of derogatory language. When objections were raised, the response was a protracted dialogue, leading to my eventual departure.

The Impact of Articulation and Abuse

The art of communication lies at the heart of the matter. The inability to express oneself often leads to resorting to abuse. Settling in life doesn’t necessitate settling for a toxic work environment. Confrontation, expression, and dialogue can replace the need for abusive language. It is essential to safeguard one’s soul and dignity, ensuring that self-respect remains intact even in the face of adversity.

The Learning Environment

Abuse is not an inherent trait but a learned behavior. Families play a pivotal role in shaping one’s language. The communication dynamics within a family set the stage for a child’s understanding of acceptable expressions. Creating an environment that discourages abuse is crucial in fostering healthy communication.

The Power of Words

Words, as per astrology, are regarded as the abode of Saraswati, symbolizing knowledge, speech, and art. The impact of words extends beyond mere verbal expression; it encompasses overall well-being, prosperity, and happiness. Money alone does not define prosperity; it includes the health, happiness, and positive relationships within a household. Learn to use good and rich vocabulary with wordsmith

The Need for Conscious Communication

Conscious communication is pivotal in curbing the normalization of abuse. The auditory intake of abusive language affects the mind, much like the impact of second-hand smoke. If someone spits and the spit is falling on you, wouldn’t you object? Refusing to subject oneself to abusive language and cultivating an environment that promotes respectful communication is an individual responsibility. Objecting to an abusive environment is our responsibility.

The Dangers of Normalization of Abuse

Observations of stand-up comedy performances highlight the dangerous normalization of explicit language, with comedians relying on shock value for audience reactions. The gradual acceptance of such language in public spaces underscores the urgent need to address the issue. I was in a university, where the chairman’s secretary used to abuse everyone verbally and in offense and she dared to send an email to the entire university that her abuses were muttered under her breath and must not be felt under the category of

abuse, thereby, normalizing the abusive environment. Having stood against it and was asked to leave. (I feel like adding a grinning emoji here), as this was a blessing in disguise. Such a wonderful thing happened to me. I got a couple of months to enjoy my son’s wedding and then got calls from two universities and a college. 

Articulation and Preparation

Effective communication requires preparation and articulation. Abuses, Emojis and shortcuts may hinder genuine expression, handicapping individuals in their ability to articulate thoughts coherently. The gift of speech, bestowed upon all, requires honing and deliberate effort to express oneself adequately. Use Duolingo to practice

A Call to Action

The culmination of this exploration urges a commitment to change. A pledge to refrain from abusive language for the next 21 days is proposed. Breaking the habit requires conscious effort, but the rewards include a transformative shift toward happiness, prosperity, and a gratifying life, free from unnecessary tension.
