Passive-aggressive behaviors can shake your confidence. Have you ever had a conversation that left you feeling uneasy? It’s like the other person was subtly poking at you without saying anything explicitly mean.

This often falls into the realm of passive-aggressive behavior. These individuals excel at making you doubt yourself without stating things outright.


Does this resonate with you?

Get ready because we’re delving into the top 13 phrases that passive-aggressive people use to undermine your confidence. By the time we’re done, you’ll easily spot these covert remarks and won’t let them get under your skin.


Don’t Take it Personally

This phrase is often used either before a hurtful statement or after it. Beware of it as soon as it is used. Make sure you guard yourself against it. clasp your fingers. Hold yourself and smile if you can. If you can’t smile, tell that person, that you didn’t like it. Then another classic phrase can come, which is pointed at No.


It’s not about money

when somebody says this at the start of a discussion or at the end of it be sure it is actually about money they are talking about. The person is talking about money but hiding behind this statement so as to make you feel uncomfortable about the things that you have done, but actually, this is all about money. Try finding out why he/ she is talking about money. Are you dependent on him? Does he/she want a loan or doesn’t want to repay you? Try finding the purpose.


I was just trying to help

when there is a statement and you feel bad about it. As soon as you retaliate to it. The person – this authoritative person, whose behavior has been passive-aggressive will certainly tell you this. Well – I was just trying to help so that you start thinking.  Otherwise, that may make you feel that you were Ungrateful or were too harsh. Don’t let this situation give you guilt trips. Your feelings do matter a lot.


You are overacting

The passive-aggressive person has already shaken away your confidence, but you decided not to let him take it away. You start explaining yourself and start disagreeing with that and then this statement comes that you are overreacting so that again you going into his/her clasp. but if at all you feel uncomfortable, certainly say something. Let the other person say that you are overreacting but you should say something.


I didn’t mean to upset you

It is a very slick move. You’re making it seem like you are the one at fault for getting upset about something being said to you. If you put your face down and do not say anything, this statement will come from the person who is passive-aggressive and wants to take control of you.


Okay! if you say so

This often implies that the other person doesn’t agree or believe in what you’re saying but listens because there is no other option. This is to undermine your credibility that yours is just a statement and doesn’t matter to me and I will continue doing whatever I am doing. Remember it is not about credibility but it is the inability to communicate openly and honestly the other person has already said whatever he wanted to, but is not open to listen to what you want to say.


You don’t need to get defensive

what else should I do instead of acknowledging my perspective the other person says there is no need to get defensive. What should I do? I can’t get offensive, keep quiet or be defensive. What can I do?  There is a trick in this phrase. This is designed to make you feel like you’re overreacting, even if you are simply expressing your thoughts and feelings, it is okay to express your opinions and protect your boundaries and not let anybody come so close to you that he can pierce your soul.


See, I told you

This particular phase is one which nobody likes to listen to – See I told you. That one person might have told you 10,000 things and got 9999 things wrong. Whether the person likes it or dislikes it say that there were other 9999 things you said, and it is just a matter of probability that one of them went right.


I thought you knew it

This is really tricky and sneaky because it makes you feel that you are out of the loop or missing something important and you keep finding it in your surroundings. It can be a mail email in which you were intentionally taken out of the loop. This can really miss your confidence, but it is a thing just because someone says something that I thought you knew doesn’t mean that you knew it. It’s a mind game nothing more. When someone says I thought you knew just brush it off. It is someone playing mind games.


I am just joking

I do not know who has given authority to any Tom Dick and Harry to crack a joke with me. This statement is particularly very hurtful. This person will hurt you or upset you with any comment and they quickly add -I was just joking. So this disclaimer should have come before the person is joking. This is the response you should give to that person with this mask. There is a hurtful intent and behaviors behind the disguise of humour. Don’t let it happen to you, if a joke hurts you, it is not a joke for you. Your feelings are important to you and so is your confidence.

Whatever or whatever you want

On the surface, this might seem like the person is giving you the freedom to choose but often it is not that simple.  After telling everything from one point of you, you are given the freedom to choose, but actually underneath you have already been told what to do. You have been shown the circumstances in such a way, that you will do whatever this controlling person says. This phrase leaves you evaluating your decisions. Don’t let this vague remark, undermine your confidence



The word “fine” is the notorious one-word answer. This is a common statement between close friends or relationships. When they do not like what you said the answer will be one term, a tense “fine”. It will make you feel totally not good not fine. This will leave you questioning your decisions and dampen your excitement, don’t let this one-word reply make you second-guess yourself. Feel confident.


I’m not angry

This is a classic phase and if accepted at the surface. It would be great. If you keep doing whatever you are doing without asking why you are angry and what can be done to make things better,  that will be great. The other person will insist that he or she is not angry but the actions and tones of the voice will say otherwise. This phrase is designed to make you question your judgment and feel guilty about potentially upsetting the other person but recognise what it is. It is a manipulation tactic to undermine your confidence to take control and to do whatever the other person is saying.

Be the master of your destiny. Take decisions. Your feelings matter to you. Don’t go into depressive states out of these kinds of statements which take control out of you. Evaluate your own decision. Make your own decisions. Take your own decisions. Take responsibility for your decisions. That will make you feel happy.  Improve your confidence and your will love living the life you are living. Keep meditating and be Calm.
